Welcome to Elmwood

43 acres of unique history in the heart of America

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Serving Kansas City Since 1872

Elmwood cemetery is the final resting place for over 30,000 individuals, from politicians, business leaders, soldiers, celebrities, and everyone in between. Come learn more about our vast and vibrant history.

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Cemetery Services

We welcome all members of the community, to celebrate the lives of loved ones.

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We are a 100% volunteer-run organization and welcome any and all support. Learn how to help today!

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Visit Elmwood

Explore Elmwood through Public, Private or Self-Guided Tours.

We look forward to hearing from you! Whether you need assistance in locating a gravesite (our grave finder is active, but has a limited number of records available online), need assistance with a burial, want to volunteer with us, or just be added to our mailing/email list – please contact us here.

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